The simple answer is NO!
There is no promise of 72 virgins
for martyrs, terrorists or suicide bombers anywhere in the Quran.
The section many people
claim promises this is Chapter (78)
sūrat l-naba (The Great News). The controversy is due to the poor
of ONE verse from verses 29 to 34.

The translation by Moshin
all things We have recorded in a Book. (29)
So taste you (the
results of your evil actions); No increase shall We give you, except in
torment. (30)
Verily, for the
Muttaqûn[], there will be a success (Paradise); (31)
Gardens and vineyards,
And young
full-breasted (mature) maidens of equal age, (33)
And a full cup (of
wine). (34)
The translation by Yusuf
all things have We preserved on record. (29)
"So taste ye (the
fruits of your deeds); for no increase shall We grant you, except in
Punishment." (30)
Verily for the
righteous there will be a fulfilment of (the Heart's) desires; (31)
Gardens enclosed, and
Grape-vines; (32)
Companions of Equal
Age; (33)
And a Cup full (to the
Brim). (34)
We see from these 2 translations that the verse that causes
all the problems is verse 33.

The word for word
translation of this verse is,
= And splendid companions CONJ – prefixed
conjunction wa (and)
N – accusative feminine plural
= well-matched, ADJ – accusative
feminine plural indefinite adjective
So how can some
translators get it so wrong! Well the answer
is simple. Many translators of the Quran from Arabic to other languages
have used
the Hadith and other sources to help in completing the translations.
You therefore find many
translations that use stories from the Hadith to elaborate the actual
Quran translations.
This is clearly the case with this verse in Mohsins and many other
English and
other language translations.
It is therefore essential
to check any controversial verse translation
such as this with a true word for word translation of the actual Arabic
It is clear from the true word for word translation of this verse that
no such promise
of 72 or even 1 virgin
exists in the Quran.